Made To Shine πŸ’‘ Part 3: Diving Deeper

See Jesus

Family, let's look on Jesus together.  

See Jesus in the Beginning.  He speaks and worlds come into order. Righteous.  

See Him born of the Virgin, not inheriting the sin-seed from Adam. Righteous.

See Him growing in wisdom and stature. Righteous.

Look upon the One performing miracles, healing the sick, raising the dead. Righteous.

Look upon the Lamb forgiving His enemies. Righteous.

Look upon the Man hanging on the Cross. Unrighteous.

The Beloved Lamb of God was righteous. He was without the sin nature and he knew no sin.

Jesus as Man was able to stand in God's Presence without any sense of guilt or inferiority.  He had no sin-consciousness. He was a carrier of the Holy Spirit.  He had power and all authority was given to Him. Righteous.

Yet ...

God made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be made sin for us!

Jesus was cursed upon the Cross.  The Righteous Creator became unrighteous in man the creature's stead.

Bearing our unrighteousness, the Beloved Son of God cries out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

Jesus became our unrighteousness and was forsaken by the Father ... on our behalf.

Jesus died, unrighteous.  

He descended into hell, reaping the wages of man's sin.  There He fulfilled the legal requirements of the law of sin and death.  The sin-debt had been paid in full.

Then what happened?  

The Father begot His dearly beloved Son, raising Him up out of hell and resurrecting His body out of the Grave!  

Jesus, Risen from the Dead. Righteous!!

Jesus was made our unrighteousness SO THAT...

we can made His righteousness!!

Jesus' work was a two-fold work.  He became our unrighteousness so that we might become His righteousness.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

To anyone who believes in Jesus, to him/her is given the right to become children of God. Righteous.  

God erases the believer's sins and removes them as far as the east is from the west.  We are able to stand in God's Presence without the shame of guilt or fear of condemnation. We become carriers of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus gives to us all power and authority in His Name!

This righteousness is a gift from God, not based on our good works.  Hallelujah!

Jesus restored the Way of fellowship with God.  

Beloved, when the Holy Spirit helps us believe the Gospel in this way, everything changes! Nothing is Impossible!

Sin loses it's grip.  We live victoriously.  We SHINE!

How do we believe?  We hear and hear again this message of Grace and as we do, faith grows in our hearts and the Holy Spirit illuminates the Truth.

Hear and hear again - to everyone who believes, to them is given the right to become children of God.  Righteous.

Please take some time and listen/re-listen to Sunday's message by clicking the button below.

Bless you Family,

-Pastor Merodee

Know Jesus

This week, you can dive deeper into the message through one or all of the following:

  • Write "I (your name) am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.  As Jesus is, so am I in this world." Now go and look in a mirror and read that to yourself.

  • Do a DBS on 2 Corinthians 5:21 & 1 John 4:17

  • Listen to Sunday's Podcast.

  • Pray to the Father and ask for the Holy Spirit to teach you about your righteousness which is by grace THROUGH faith.

Discovery Bible Study


Pray and ask Holy Spirit to teach you about God from His word.

Next, read the verse a couple of times.

Now, ask these questions:

  1. What does this tell me about God/Jesus?

  2. What does this tell me about people?

  3. How can I respond to what I just read?

When you’re done asking these questions, it’s a great idea to pray and thank God for teaching you more about who He is and who you are!

Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a way for anyone, anywhere to read God's word! You can dive deeper into this week's message by doing a DBS one any one or all of these scriptures. DBS is a great tool to use for your own devotions, as a bible study with friends, or as an evangelism tool!

"For God made him (Jesus) who had now sin to be sin for us, so that in him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

"...because as he (Jesus) is so also are we in this world." 1 John 4:17b

Prayer Prompts

  • Pray for the Lord to open up doors of opportunity for us all to share the Good News of Jesus with those around us.

  • Pray for those who grieve to be able to grieve with hope.

  • Pray for the influx of souls into the Kingdom!

Share Jesus

You can share this week's podcast, email, or blog post. Check out volunteer opportunities to get involved in the work of sharing Jesus in our church family and community.

Merodee Hassler

Lead Pastor


Rekindle πŸ”₯ Part 1: Diving Deeper


Made To Shine πŸ’‘ Part 2: Diving Deeper