Jesus Unlimited: Diving Deeper

See Jesus

The message I want to share with you today is somewhat re-purposed; I sent almost the exact same thing to the worship team this weekend. This is what Holy Spirit spoke to me on Saturday after the "Prepare Our Hearts" service, where we repented and received grace from the Lord:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:19-20.

Sometimes we see the results of our hard work, or we hear "great job!" or we just know that we did well and that makes us feel good. But, as we all know, that feeling goes just as quick as it arrived. It's not lasting. "Moth and vermin" come and destroy it. One bad day brings it all crashing down. Feelings come and feelings go.

When we put stock in the feeling of success, failure is all that's needed to take us out. When we "store up our treasure" in people's praise, one bad review is all that's needed to eat that treasure up!

But the treasure of obedience to and worship of Jesus doesn't fade. The trials of life can't steal it from us. Anything done for the honour, love, and glory of God is a treasure stored up in heaven.  The treasure of glorifying Jesus is imperishable. The treasure of relationship and intimacy with God is inexhaustible. The treasure of friendship and history, of trust and experience, that isn't based on anyone else's opinion or praise, makes us rich. 

Family, Holy Spirit's purpose and joy is to glorify Jesus in and through God's people. That happens in the ministry of the church together, but that also happens in the individual relationship that we each have with the Lord. The outpouring of Holy Spirit is that we would have abundant Spirit life through love and friendship and obedience and relationship with Jesus. 

Bless you family, as you store up your treasure in heaven. Bless you as you seek God's kingdom and His righteousness. Bless you as you trust in and treasure the promise of the work of the Spirit more than feelings that come and go.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

-Pastor Nicole

Know Jesus

This week, you can dive deeper into the message through one or all of the following:

  • Listen to Pastor Kevin’s message by visiting the Podcast page.

  • Do a DBS on Matthew 6:19-21

  • Listen to "Grace Alone" by King Kaleidoscope

Discovery Bible Study


Pray and ask Holy Spirit to teach you about God from His word.

Next, read the verse a couple of times.

Now, ask these questions:

  1. What does this tell me about God/Jesus?

  2. What does this tell me about people?

  3. How can I respond to what I just read?

When you’re done asking these questions, it’s a great idea to pray and thank God for teaching you more about who He is and who you are!

Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a way for anyone, anywhere to read God's word! You can dive deeper into this week's message by doing a DBS one any one or all of these scriptures. DBS is a great tool to use for your own devotions, as a bible study with friends, or as an evangelism tool!

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

Prayer Prompts

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to stir a hunger in your heart for God.

  • If you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, pray that He will fill you afresh. 

  • If you aren't sure if you are baptized in Holy Spirit and would like to be, let's pray together.

Share Jesus

You can share this week's podcast, email, or blog post. Check out volunteer opportunities to get involved in the work of sharing Jesus in our church family and community.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Nicole Levey

Pastor of Worship Arts & Admin


Miracles!: Diving Deeper


Prepare Our Hearts: Diving Deeper