What We Believe

at The People’s Church

We believe in…

The Holy Bible.

One True God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Creation by God.

That sin and death came to all humanity through the sin of one man, Adam.

Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin, conceived of Holy Spirit, very God and very man.

The Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of Sins.

Salvation by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to all Who Believe.

The Grace of God.

Baptizing Believers in Water by Immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit-filled Life and the Gifts of the Spirit.

The Holy Communion.

The Healing of the body.

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Holy Matrimony of one man and one woman.